This is a Press Release from the City of Del Rio Police Department you can download the original release here
On April 26th, 2024, at 8:02 P.M. a Del Rio Police Department officer responded to the Peter Rabbit Convenience Store located at 1009 Veterans Blvd. for a suspicious male that approached a female juvenile.
Upon arrival police met with a 13-year-old female who said she was in the Laundry Mat area of the business when she noticed a male subject talking on his phone, providing her clothing description to the person on the phone.
The male subject then handed the female juvenile a handwritten note containing an inappropriate comment regarding her body. The note also had a phone number and the alleged name of the subject.
The male left the area prior to officer's arrival. A report was taken and is currently under investigation for any potential leads. Anyone having information regarding this incident is urged to call police.