Phase I of Paul Poag Theatre Rehabilitation Project Funding Approved

A Resolution to approve a contract in the amount of $182,522 to be awarded to Able City, LLC for architectural and engineering services, including historical designation for the first phase of the Paul Poag Theatre Rehabilitation Project was presented to the council at the Regular City Council Meeting on July 23, 2024.
Councilperson JP Sanchez raised a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Councilperson Jesus Lopez, Jr. Before further action was taken on the motion, Mayor Al Arreola asked Interim City Manager Manuel Chavez if this amount was already in their budget, to which Mr. Chavez replied, “Yes sir" and invited members of the Able City Architectural Firm to answer any other questions at the podium.

Founding Partner at Able City, Frank Rotnofsky and Principal Architect, Ricardo Solis, stepped up to the podium to address any council member’s concerns. Councilperson Lopez asked, “Is the timeline you provided precise and accurate, or do you estimate that there’s gonna be other issues, other findings once you start engineering, architect, and design?” Solis replied, “The schedule that we reflected in our proposal is somewhat accurate, I think there may be some adjustments once we get into the actual assessment, but I think we feel like what we have in that schedule is fairly close to the timeframe that it’s gonna take,” Solis assured.
With no further questions, the motion passed with a unanimous vote from the council.
