Mighty Ram Band Named Finalist at Bands of America South and West Texas Regional Competitions

Originally shared to San Felipe Del Rio CISD Social Medias, it seems our Mighty Ram Band has been named a Finalist for the Bands of America for the South and West Texas Regional Competitions.

The Ram Band showcased their talent and dedication during back-to-back weekends, competing on September 21st and September 28th. Their hard work has earned them a place among the best bands in south and west Texas.
"Congratulations to the Del Rio HS Mighty Ram Band for being named a Finalist at the Bands of America South Texas and West Texas Regional Competitions. The band competed on back-to-back weekends 9/21 and 9/28. We are proud that they are among the very best bands in south and west Texas." - SFDR-CISD Facebook Page
We here at Connect Del Rio congratulate our Mighty Ram Band! Congratulations!
