CTE Networks with LAFB to Expand Opportunities

The SFDR-CISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) department recently hosted a visit for Laughlin Air Force Base (LAFB) personnel. The LAFB representatives toured multiple CTE classrooms and labs at Del Rio High School and the Gerardo J. Maldonado CTE Center which allowed CTE to showcase facilities, specific software, equipment, and students in these programs. This collaboration aims to expand enrichment opportunities, which may include tours of LAFB, classroom guest speaker presentations, and volunteer activities which will begin this year and continue to expand starting next year.

Representatives from LAFB's Mission Support Group and Operations Group, including personnel from the Communication Squadron, Civil Engineering, Force Support (Marketing, Culinary, Business), Security Forces, Operation Support Squadron (Aviation), and Flying Training Wing Public Affairs, met with CTE administration, teachers, and students. This collaborative effort, involving all stakeholders, is a testament to our shared commitment to the growth and development of our students. LAFB goal is to mimic the success of the Grow Your Own CTE Aircraft Program, which has been successful since its inception in 1990, and aims to expand opportunities in other career clusters. This may include senior year internships, co-op student employment opportunities, including summer positions, and post-graduation employment for CTE students in the fields of Cybersecurity, Engineering, Business, Culinary, Law Enforcement, and Digital Media initially and eventually expand throughout all 21 CTE pathways.
This is a Press Release from SFDR-CISD
