City of Del Rio Ready to Respond to Freezing Temperatures
The City of Del Rio is actively preparing for the upcoming freeze set to hit Del Rio starting Sunday night. We reached out to the City of Del Rio to see what is happening behind the preparations. Here are key things to know:
TXDOT has covered some streets in Del Rio with Brine
The Emergency Coordinator is actively in contact with Local Emergency Management, TXDOT, and The Texas Division of Emergency Management as the freezing weather approaches.
The City of Del Rio Warming Center will be open from 1/19 6PM - 1/22 9AM at the Del Rio Civic Center
Transportation is available to those who are unable to reach the Warming Center.
Contact (830) 774-8690 during regular hours
Contact (830) 347-0579 or (830) 734-2168 after hours for transportation to Warming Center
You can bring clothing, bedding, toiletries, food, and medications to Warming Center. Cots and blankets will be provided.
Hours on the Warming Center may change according to the weather. Stay tuned to City social media or website for more updates.
As this weather approaches we want to remind you that we are actively tracking the weather ourselves and Meteorologist, Alexander Menchaca is on standby to go live if needed to inform the public as the weather occurs or before.
Stay tuned to all Connect Del Rio channels to see when and if we go live. Stay Safe Del Rio!