City Manager Offers Update on Garage Sale Permit Confusion

During the City Manager’s updates at Tuesday, November 12th’s City Council Meeting, City Manager Shawna Burkhart offered an update on Garage Sale Permits and cleared up earlier confusion about the increase in fee prices for garage sale permits.
“I would like to make a clarification, the city staff posted in error, a garage sale permit increase that was in error and it has been taken down,” Burkhart began. “After looking further into it over the weekend, staff found that the garage sale permit increase was passed and needs to be corrected because that was not the intent of council on August 13th.”

She went on to clarify that the vendor permit increase alone was meant to be passed on August 13th but both vendor and garage sale permit fees were increased under the ordinance passed at the meeting in August. The garage sale permits will be brought to council separately in the near future to rectify the issue and amend the ordinance.
“The one thing that should have passed was the increase to the vendor permits but not the garage sale permits, so that will come before council again simply for clarification in the ordinance to get it corrected.”
