Partner Application

Food Truck Central Partner Application
Welcome! We're always excited to add new food trucks to the group. Please make sure you meet the following requirements before applying for our FREE partner program. 99% of applications are approved within 2-3 Days of submission.
You must own a FOOD TRUCK, Food Stands cannot partner with this program yet. We are looking into other ways to incorporate Food Stands into our website.
You must have a Facebook PAGE (not profile) or Instagram
You must be available to meet in person with a Connect Del Rio, Representative.
What does becoming a partner mean?
Connect Del Rio and your business will help each other out in terms of advertising. When we tag you (although you're not required) we ask that you share our post (when it relates to your business). Here are the benefits of partnering with us through Food Truck Central:
Chances to participate in promotional videos that advertise your business
Chances to participate in photo ops
Free Promotion via our Facebook Page throughout the year
Every time you post on your page, it automatically gets posted on Food Truck Central
Reach over 16,000 people in and out of the community with us!